P070 Management of Sedation Complications
of verifiable CPD
IV Sedation is a very safe treatment but complications do happen. To build confidence for the entire team this recorded we...
Rob started his Sedation career in 2003 after years suffering with his own dental phobia.
Since introducing sedation to his practice and patients in Eastbourne, he set up the Dental Phobia Clinic in Brighton, within six months filling his diary 4 days a week with IV sedation patients.
He continued his sedation work up at Stratford Dental. He also provided sedation at Cotswold Dental Wellness in Chipping Norton and others.
He has carried out thousands of IV sedation procedures mainly with Midazolam. He’s also done numerous Intranasal and Oral sedation procedures hundreds of RA cases.
In 2018 he set up Midlands Dental Sedation Services to work full time as a sedationist.
Using his dental and sedation experience, he is able to advise on techniques to help the dentist treat the patients with less stress for both!