P213 Myth Busters - Monitoring Your Water System

of verifiable CPD
This virtual study session came about following discussions on the importance of monitoring water systems to understand th...
PJM-HS Consulting Ltd
Paul McDermott has an Honours degree and PhD in microbiology and spent the first 11 years of his career in microbiology research and as a university lecturer. Following this, Paul worked as a Specialist Inspector in the Health and Safety Executive's Biological Agents Unit. In his role as a regulator, much of Paul’s time was spent working in the field of occupational Legionella risk control where he developed a deep understanding of the regulatory framework and an appreciation of the practicalities of effective risk management.
Paul acted as Expert Witness in a number of Legionella enforcement cases and since leaving HSE, in 2014 to set up his own biorisk consultancy, has continued to provide Expert Witness services to HSE, the Crown Prosecution Service, Local Authorities, the Care Quality Commission and private legal companies. Paul works as Authorising Engineer (Water) at a number of NHS Trusts and is currently supporting water risk management arrangements at a number of large academic institutions. Paul was an active contributor in the revision of L8 and HSG274 and continues to contribute to numerous Legionella-related guidance documents.