P133 How to Get the Best From Your Career in Denti...

of verifiable CPD
Not sure where to go next in your career? Not sure which courses to take? Not sure what opportunities are available to you...
Ross graduated from University of Newcastle, has Fellowships from Glasgow, Edinburgh and England. He obtained his MDS and PhD at Newcastle. He was the first dentist to be awarded Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
His specialist orthodontic training was in Dundee, and his MDOrth from Glasgow. From 1992 to 2009 he was as Senior lecturer/Consultant, Head of Department and led Orthodontic MSc/ Specialist training Newcastle. He has published over 60 articles on Orthodontics, hypodontia, dental materials and education.
He chaired CCDAS (BDA academic committee) and member of BDA Executive Board 2004-2008. He was awarded the BDA Fellowship in 2010.
Ross left Newcastle Dental School 2009 to establish Windmill Dental Suite, the NE’s first private multi disciplinary specialist practice. In 2012 he established Windmill Orthodontic Group with 7 practices in the NE of England. Appointed to the Chair in Orthodontics at UClan in 2012 to develop part time specialist orthodontic training. In 2015 he joined IAS Academy as training director. His passion is making orthodontics simple and accessible to everyone.
Ross is an international yachtsman, with a number of major race wins and world records. He recently became a pub landlord owning his local pub The Bereseford Arms, Whalton