P134 The Long and Winding Road of Orthodontic Rest...

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with BOS (British Orthodontic Society), this is the final webinar in a series of five designed for Genera...
Consultant in Orthodontics
David qualified in Dentistry from Leeds University Dental School. After various general practice and hospital posts, including a (very enjoyable) spell with the Flying Doctor service in Australia entered into specialist Orthodontic training.
David completed specialist training in Orthodontics and an M.Dent Sci at Liverpool University Dental Hospital in 2003. Following entry to the Orthodontic Specialist list undertook further training to achieve Consultant status.
David began a Consultant Orthodontist post at the University of Manchester Dental Hospital and also works in private specialist orthodontic practice at Northenden House Orthodontics. He was Clinical Lead from 2008- 2018 and now Training Programme Director (TPD) for Orthodontics within the Manchester region.
David supervised MSc dissertations and published nationally and internationally. He is also an examiner for the M.Orth and ISFE examinations at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. David sit on the Education committee and the Board of Trustees of the British Orthodontic Society.
David undertakes joint consultations for orthodontic cases that require Restorative dentistry input and Orthognathic treatment with jaw discrepancies. This is one of the few private joint specialist teams in the country.