P139 Women in Dentistry

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with CGDent. This recorded webinar looks at women in dentistry and the positive change in gender ...
Dean for International Affairs, Kings College London, Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health
Professor Jennifer Gallagher MBE (Jenny), is a Global Envoy for King’s College London. Jenny is Dean for International Affairs, Newland-Pedley Professor of Oral Health Strategy and Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health in the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences. She supports the education and training of future dental professionals and researchers, including specialty training in Dental Public Health. Professor Gallagher has held several senior professional roles including President of British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (2012-13); Co-President of European Association for Dental Public Health (2013); and President of the Odontology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine (2013-14). She is currently Chair of the Consultants Group of BASCD (2017), an elected member of Faculty Board of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2020-) and President Designate for the Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network of the International Association for Dental Research.
Personal research interests include a particular focus on shaping the healthcare workforce to meet the needs of the population, with a strong emphasis on prevention and the care of vulnerable groups. Her team is currently exploring a range of workforce issues including professional careers; utilising workforce skill mix; planning human resources for oral health; professionalism, and how best to deliver care for older people. Additionally, Jenny is involved in global health services projects exploring health systems strengthening and workforce development in low and middle-income countries including Sub-Saharan Africa. She is contributing to the World Health Organisation on oral health workforce issues. Professor Gallagher is widely published and was awarded an MBE in the New Year’s Honours List of 2015 for her services to oral health.