P049 Why Colour is the Elephant in the Room

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with FGDP and CGDent. This recorded discussion will look at real life examples and highlight ways...
President designate of British Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Miss Daljit Kaur Dhariwal started working life as a dental surgery assistant in west London and went on to dual qualification in dentistry and medicine at Cardiff. She was the first female consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon (OMFS) from a black / minority ethnic (BAME) background appointed in the UK in 2006 and works at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. She is currently President Designate for the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) and takes up her presidential post in 2023. She has numerous awards for teaching, training and innovation in surgery and is a previous recipient of the BAOMS Presidents prize 2008, the BAOMS Surgery prize 2010, RCS Lady Estelle Wolfson Fellowship 2016 and Trainers Trainer of the year 2019. She is training programme director for Health Education Thames Valley for OMFS and an examiner for the Joint Intercollegiate exit examinations (JCIE) and for Oxford University Medical School. She is well known nationally and internationally in OMFS and has numerous publications to her name.