P118 Principles of Inhalation Sedation

of verifiable CPD
This recorded webinar provides an update on the safe and effective provision of inhalation sedation, looking at equipment,...
Senior Dental Officer and Sedation Lead, Gloucestershire Community Dental Service
Leah Adams is a Senior Dental Officer and Sedation Lead in Gloucestershire Community Dental Service (Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust) and has recently established a new IV sedation service within the Trust.
Prior to this Leah worked for 12 years in a private Sedation Practice as sedation lead.
During this time, she completed an MSc in Conscious Sedation at Cardiff University and went on to lecture on the Diploma and MSc Conscious Sedation course at Cardiff.
Leah is a SAAD Board member and SAAD Teaching Faculty member and regularly lectures on National SAAD courses. She is also a Safe Sedation Practice Evaluator on behalf of SAAD, conducting practice evaluations to ensure compliance with contemporary standards and safe practice.
In her spare time she enjoys getting out in the fresh air and spending time with friends and family.