B2A7 Partnerships in Health Education

of verifiable CPD
A panel discussion to explore ethical global healthcare partnerships, the challenges involved, mutual benefits, achievemen...
Associate Professor Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Director of Education, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Dr Giuliani received her MBBS qualification from the University of London, England and she then competed her residency training in radiation oncology at the University of Toronto. She received her Master’s of Education from the Ontario Institute of Sciences in Education at the University of Toronto and her PhD from the School of Health Professions Education at Maastricht University. Her PhD, supervised by Drs Driessen, Frambach and Martimianakis, focused on globalization and the influence of neocolonialism on oncology curricula. Her education research activity focuses on globalization, the influence of education on health systems and the intersection of education and health disparities.