P156 Safeguarding for the Whole Dental Team - Leve...

of verifiable CPD
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm,...
Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, Honorary Member of Council of the NSPCC & President Elect of BSPD
Jenny Harris BDS MSc FDSRCS FDS(Paed Dent) qualified as a dentist at Guy’s Dental Hospital in 1987 and has held a variety of community, academic and hospital posts in London, Birmingham and Sheffield. She has been a Specialist in Paediatric Dentistry since 2000 and Consultant at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Sheffield since 2012, in a post based in the Community & Special Care Dental Service.
Inspired by the challenges she herself faced when providing care for vulnerable children, Jenny has since 2004 been actively involved in education, leadership and service development in safeguarding children. She was lead author of the Department of Health/COPDEND resource, Child Protection and the Dental Team, which is now hosted online by the British Dental Association (BDA). She led development of the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry’s (BSPD) policy document on dental neglect and the BDA’s ‘Was Not Brought’ pathway and toolkit.
In 2018 she received the award of Honorary Member of Council of the NSPCC in recognition of her commitment to promotion of safeguarding practice in dentistry. Jenny is currently President Elect of BSPD and will be hosting the society’s annual conference in Sheffield in September on the theme of children’s rights.
March 2022