P045 Health and Wellbeing in Dentistry

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with FGDP Currently, there is high incidence of stress and depression among dental practitioners ...
After qualifying from Birmingham Dental School in the early 80′s, I spent my whole clinical career in Community Dentistry, the last 17 years as a Clinical Director working in Herefordshire and South Warwickshire.
I have a portfolio career. Currently I am an educational associate for the General Dental Council; a coach for the Professional Support Unit, Health Education England, Thames Valley; an expert witness, lead clinical tutor for the Law and Ethics module for University of Bristol BUOLD programme; Trustee of the Dentists Health Support Trust and a Fellow for the Society of British Dental Nurses.
I launched my own coaching and training consultancy, Dentalia, in July 2011, providing coaching to dental professionals I am a founding partner of the Dental Coaching Academy and in December 2016 I launched Dental Mentors UK with a colleague.
I write extensively and have published four books, plus a number of articles and papers over the years.