P078 The Malcolm Pendlebury Memorial Lecture - The...

of verifiable CPD
The content of this course was correct on the date of the live broadcast 12.11.2020. The Malcom P...
Professor Liz Kay MBE is President Elect of the British Dental Association, a Trustee and Fellow of the College of General Dentistry, Past President of the Oral Health Foundation and Founder of the Peninsula Dental School.
Professor Liz Kay MBE has been ranked 7th most influential person in the dental profession by the journal Dentistry.
She is a Non Executive Director of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust.
Professor Kay is a committed clinician and teacher and also a Public Health Academic Consultant working with Public Health England, focussing on the delivery of appropriate care to those who find clinical care particularly challenging.
Liz sits on the Editorial Boards of three journals, including the British Dental Journal and peer reviews papers for a large number of other academic publications. In addition, she authors textbooks in collaboration with colleagues from around the world. Liz was awarded her MBE in 2017 for services to dental education.
Professor Kay serves as vice chair of the Medical and Dental Students Trust, served as oral health topic expert for NICE, and currently chairs a NICE guideline committee on epilepsies in children. She is also a non-executive director of an NHS Hospital Trust. She held the post as an equality advisor to the Medical and Dental School Councils and is also trustee, and immediate past President of the Oral Health Foundation.
Her scholarly work includes over 250 scientific papers and journal articles, being principal author or editor of six textbooks, along with contributing several chapters to academic books. Her research interests lie in decision analysis, health service research and behavioural science.
Professor Kay was previously chair of the BDA’s Health and Science Committee and the BDA’s scientific advisor. More recently she has been appointed as editor of the BDJ’s Evidence Based Dentistry where her mission is to bring the research community and general dental practice closer together and which now takes original publications as well as commentaries on scientific articles.