P127 Creating a Positive Patient Safety Culture in...

of verifiable CPD
There is a culture of fear and anxiety that affects many clinicians in dental settings. This can lead to defensive dentist...
BADN President
Debra has been a dental nurse since 1979; working in General Dental Practice, Community Dental Service and Secondary Care. Debra holds post registration qualifications in Conscious Sedation, Radiography, Oral Health and Orthodontics. She also has qualifications in Leadership and Management and recently completed the NHS Senior Leadership qualification.
She joined Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in March 2021, and is the Head of Dental Service for the North East sector of Greater Manchester. To have a DCP as a head of a service is a fantastic achievement. Debra has eighty staff working across Oldham, Rochdale and Bury, providing paediatric dentistry, special care dentistry, general anaesthesia, treatment with inhalation sedation and oral health promotion. Debra is a member of the Managed Clinical Networks in Greater Manchester, for both paediatric and special care dentistry.
Prior to this she was the Maxillofacial Unit Manager at Salford Royal Hospital; a busy unit comprising of maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery, orthodontics and community dentistry. She successfully implemented the Mouth Care Matters programme within the acute trust and was successful in acquiring transformation funding to implement the programme in the care homes in Salford.
Debra has been a member of the Orthodontic National Group (ONG) since its inception in 1994 and has been a committee member for 21 years; serving a Chairman for nine years and president for three years, a term which ended in 2021. During her term Debra was successful in working closely with the British Orthodontic Society (BOS) In 2008 she oversaw the official affiliation of ONG with the BOS.
Debra was an active member of the working group which saw the introduction of orthodontic therapists, work included writing the syllabus for course and working with the GDC to write and implement the Scope of Practice. Debra is a past examiner for the Royal College of Surgeons (Edin) for the orthodontic therapy examination.
She works tirelessly at both a local and national level representing dental nurses and therapists at Stakeholder meetings which include the General Dental Council, the Royal College of Surgeons (Edin), The English Surveillance Programme for Antimicrobial Utilisation and Resistance (ESPAUR) task group. Prior to GDC registration Debra was part of the working party which implemented the first Scope of Practice for dental nurses and has been involved in the last two reviews.
Debra has recently been a member of the Advancing Dental Care, review group. The document to support this work has recently been published. This was a three-year review looking at dental education and the training infrastructure to best support patient and population needs.
Debra has received two national awards; one presented by the British Orthodontic Society and one by the British Dental Association, for Outstanding Contribution to Dentistry and Orthodontics.