P184 Volunteering in Dentistry - How to Get Involv...

of verifiable CPD
In collaboration with the College of General Dentistry, this recorded webinar was co-hosted by Ian Wilson (founder of Brid...
Dental Hygienist & Oral Health Practitioner
Frances is a Dental Hygienist currently working in London in private practice and as an Oral Health Practitioner in NHS community outreach. With a Masters in Dental Public Health from UCL Frances' further interests lie in oral health promotion and preventative oral health care.
Having volunteered in Nepal, India, Cambodia, in a refugee camp in Greece, and in 2022 in Panama, she is an experienced volunteer for various dental and medical charities. Often working with marginalised, indigenous and refugee communities in very isolated areas with minimal resources she considers it her lifelong ambition to help improve global oral health. Frances is a volunteer officer for Dental Mavericks and is currently leading a project for the training of local healthcare workers. She will travel with Dental Mavericks to Morocco in 2023.
Frances is the Vice Chair of the Inaugural Board of the Faculty of Dental Hygiene and Therapy and the Chair of the working group of the Careers Pathway for Dental Hygienists and Therapists at the CGDent.