P387 The Edentulous Patient: The Impact of Implant...

of verifiable CPD
The World Health Organisation classifies edentulism as a disability. This webinar, in collaboration with the College of Ge...
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Dr Sarra Jawad is a Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. She works as part of the multidisciplinary Evelina London Cleft Service treating adult patients with fixed and removable prosthodontics. She completed her Restorative Dentistry training and PhD at the University Dental Hospital of Manchester and secured an NIHR grant for her research into mini-implant use in edentulous patients. She has published many scientific articles and lectured nationally on a wide range of topics in Restorative Dentistry. She is involved in teaching both undergraduates and postgraduates at King’s College London and delivers hands-on courses and didactic teaching for numerous providers.
Jan 2025