P067 Disobedient Canines: Bringing Them into Line

of verifiable CPD
Unerupted maxillary canines can present a challenge for the general dental practitioner. Recognising when maxillary canine...
Sally is Consultant Orthodontist at the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle. She qualified in dentistry from Newcastle University in 1999 and spent time working in general practice and oral & maxillofacial surgery before beginning orthodontic specialty training. Sally completed an MSc in Orthodontics in 2007 and obtained her Fellowship In Orthodontics (FDS Orth) from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2009. She completed a Masters Degree in Clinical Education (MClinEd) in 2013 and has a special interest in teaching and training. Sally has several roles in education including Training Programme Director for orthodontic specialty training in the Northern region, membership of the British Orthodontic Society Education Committee and delivering the undergraduate orthodontic curriculum at UCLan Dental School.