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CPD Approx. 1:00 Hours

P832 CAD/CAM Technology for Major Grafting Cases

Speaker: Marcus Seiler

  • About This Course

Marcus Seiler received his dental training at Karl-Eberhard University in Tübingen. His specialty training in Oral Surgery Periodontology and Implantology was in the Department of Prof. Schulte, University of Tübingen. Marcus Seiler received his dental training at Karl-Eberhard University in Tübingen. His specialty training in Oral Surgery Periodontology and Implantology was in the Department of Prof. Schulte, University of Tübingen. After finishing his specialty training he visited NYU. In 1998 and 2009 he founded two clinics for Oral Implantology and Maxillofacial surgery in Filderstadt and Kirchheim u.T.. He is a Dental consultant for the Filder-Clinic in Bonlanden and the Paracelsus clinic in Ruit. Has qualified as a Master of Science in Oral Implantology. And from 2005-2011, held the position of President of German Society of Oral Surgeons.


This course aims to help learners understand how and where a new CAD/CAM mesh can be applied successfully to treat 3D defects in the oral cavity.


  • To discuss the development of a novel customised solution for major 3D defects, Yxoss CBR.
  • To review case documentations using this new material.
  • To discuss optimal flap design (crestal, split-flap poncho flap) and soft-tissue handlingconsiderations when dealing with titanium mesh.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this webinar delegates will be able to understand how and where a new CAD/CAM mesh can be applied successfully to treat 3D defects in the oral cavity.

GDC Development Outcomes