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CPD Approx. 3:00 Hours

P236 Orthodontics for the Perplexed

  • About This Course

This decision of who to treat and who to not treat creates all sorts of problems for orthodontist, patient and GDP since all will have different ideas about what should be done; hence conflict often arises. In an attempt to seek clarity we'll look at reasons often cited for treating a malocclusion.


This course aims to provide learners with knowledge and understanding relating to identifying appropriate cases for treatment and what is achievable with the use of simple braces, functional braces, a CFPD and the use of retainers.


  • To identify who to treat and who not to treat.
  • To discuss dental devlopment.
  • To discuss what can be acheived with simple braces, functional braces and the use of retainers.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module you will be able to identify appropriate cases for treatment and what is achievable with the use of simple braces, functional braces, a CFPD and the use of retainers.

GDC Development Outcomes

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