P093 What Is Stress and Why Am I Experiencing It?

of verifiable CPD
The content of this course was correct on the date of the live broadcast 8.4.2021. This recorded ...
Chartered Psychologist
Dr Heather Buchanan is a chartered psychologist and Health & Care Professionals Council registered health psychologist. Heather is an Associate Professor of Health Psychology in the Medical School of the University of Nottingham where she is the Course Director for the MSc Health Psychology and Director of Postgraduate Research Students for the Division of Rehabilitation, Ageing and Wellbeing. In addition, Heather holds a Thousand Talent Award Visiting Professorship at Tianjin Normal University in China. She is the Conference Scientific Chair of the UK Division of Health Psychology and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the British Journal of Health Psychology. Heather's main research interest is applying psychology to the dental context (including the development of assessment tools for measurement of dental anxiety). She has published over sixty journal papers, several book chapters and a co-authored a book on Phobias. Heather collaborates regularly with Dr Koula Asimakopoulou including co-authoring ‘Dentistry during COVID-19: Psychological advice for dental teams, policy makers, and communicators’ supported by the BPS COVID-19 Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention Taskforce.