P122 Spread Awareness - Stop Antimicrobial Resista...

of verifiable CPD
This recorded webinar, hosted by the University of Manchester (UoM) Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Network, is an opportun...
ePatient and hcsm Consultant
Vanessa became an antibiotic-resistant and one health patient advocate after surviving a serious car accident and multidrug-resistant MRSA infection caused by a facial prosthetic. She is an advisor to several organisations including The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) and a civil society champion at the Africa CDC. She has won awards for her advocacy from the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FINDdx) and Antibiotic Guardian for community communications and further completed an e-Patient Scholarship at Stanford University Medicine X in the USA. She is also a member of the WHO Strategic Technical Advisory Group on AMR and more recently the UK Gov APRHAI committee. In addition, with a professional marketing and design background, her work extends into communication around AMR as well as Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement. Originally from Johannesburg in South Africa, she now resides in the UK.
Twitter: @_FaceSA
Advocacy: www.vanessacarter.co.za
Linkedin: vanessacarter1