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CPD Approx. 1:00 Hours

P265 Basic Life Support

  • About This Course

These BLS guidelines have been produced in association with the Resuscitation Council (UK) the guidelines were last updated 2020, the course was last updated 2022.

Basic life support refers to maintaining airway patency and supporting breathing and the circulation without the use of equipment other than a protective device. It is important that those who may be present at the scene of a cardiac arrest, particularly lay bystanders, should have learnt the appropriate resuscitation skills and be able to put them into practice.

Simplification of the BLS sequence continues to be a feature of these guidelines, but, in addition, there is now advice on who should be taught what skills, particularly chest-compression-only or chest compression and ventilation.


This course aims to provide an overview of the most appropriate methods of basic life support.


  • To understand the process of basic life support.
  • To recognise further issues related to basic life support.
  • To know  how  to put someone in the recovery position.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module you will understand the most appropriate methods of basic life support.

GDC Development Outcomes

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